Actuarial Review of Health Benefit Coverage Legislative Proposals

On June 8, 2022, Governor Polis signed Senate Bill (SB) 22-040, which directs the Division of Insurance (Division) to hire contractors to conduct an actuarial review of legislative proposals that may impose a new health benefit coverage on health benefit plans or reduce or eliminate coverage under health benefit plans. The law creates a process for an objective, independent analysis of legislative proposals involving health benefit coverage proposals, to ensure that policymakers have data to consider whether and how benefit changes may impact costs, health outcomes, and long-term system savings, particularly for those who have historically and systemically faced barriers to health care. 

The Division has additionally been directed, through bills passed by the Colorado General Assembly, to conduct similar actuarial analyses of legislative proposals outside of the SB 22-040 process.


Additional Resources

SB 22-040 directs the Division to convene a meeting to obtain input and recommendations from stakeholders, including representatives of the health care industry, consumer advocates, and other interested individuals, concerning the methodology for conducting an actuarial analysis. 

The Division will be hosted a meeting to obtain stakeholder input and feedback on the methodology for conducting an actuarial review on Tuesday, August 23, 2022, from 2-3:30 pm MT. 


Announcements of future meetings and other news related to the implementation of SB 22-040 will be posted on this website, and shared via email notification. You can sign up to receive these and other DOI email notices on the Division's Sign-Up for Division of Insurance Email Lists webpage.  

For additional information about the Division's implementation of SB 22-040, please contact Deb Judy (debra.judy@state.co.us) or Tara Smith (tara.smith@state.co.us).