Colorado Insurance Bulletins

Division of Insurance Bulletins

Bulletins are the Division’s interpretations of existing insurance law or general statements of Division policy. Bulletins themselves establish neither binding norms nor finally determine issues or rights.

These are the current bulletins in effect. To view and comment on draft bulletins under review by the Division, visit our page for DRAFT Regulations & Bulletins for Informal Public Comment.

DRAFT Regulations & Bulletins for Informal Public Comment

For more information or questions about the Division's Bulletins, or for information on the Division's withdrawn Bulletins, please email DORA_Ins_RulesandRecords@state.co.us.

Table Sections

  • 1 Administrative Procedures, Licensing & Continuing Education and Guidelines for Producers
  • 2 Corporate Procedures
  • 3 Financial Procedures 
  • 4 Life, Accident and Health 
  • 5 Property and Casualty
  • 6 Consumer Protection (General)
  • 7 Cash / Professional Cash Bail Bonds and Registrant
  • 10 Unfair Discrimination