Colorado Alternative Payment Model (APM) Alignment Initiative


Colorado is embarking on a process to develop a multi-payer statewide alternative payment model (APM), with the goal of aligning payers' efforts to shift away from fee-for-service payments to value-based payments. A statewide aligned health care APM is intended to reduce administrative burden for providers, increase health care value, and improve quality and health equity for consumers. 

In order to achieve these goals, the Office of Saving People Money on Health Care in the Lieutenant Governor's Office is working collaboratively with the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF), the Division of Insurance (DOI), and the Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA). Additionally, we are establishing an overarching APM Alignment Advisory Group and two Sub-Groups focused on primary care and maternity care to develop recommendations on Colorado-specific, consensus-based APMs that could be used to advance alignment of payment approaches within the public and commercial markets. 


 APM Alignment Advisory Group 


APM Alignment Advisory Group
The APM Alignment Advisory Group will inform Colorado’s efforts to align APMs for primary care and maternity care within Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program, administered by HCPF); individual, small group, and large group plans regulated by the DOI; ERISA plans administered by commercial carriers; and the Colorado state employee self-funded health plan (administered by DPA). The APM Alignment Advisory Group will meet approximately every two months, starting on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. All meetings will be virtual until further notice and will be open to the public, with dedicated time for public comments. Meeting registration information, along with meeting agendas, presentations, and recordings, will also be posted. Please check this site regularly for APM Alignment Advisory Group meeting updates. 

  • Next upcoming meeting: Friday, April 29, 2022, 11:00 - 1:00 pm
  • APM Alignment Advisory Group meetings will be held on the Zoom platform; the February 25 meeting can be accessed at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84975147369

Advisory Group Meeting Materials          Advisory Group Meeting Calendar


 Primary Care Sub-Group 

Primary Care Sub-Group
The Primary Care Sub-Group will improve the value of primary care in Colorado by making consensus-based recommendations to the state on an APM for primary care. The Primary Care Sub-Group will meet approximately every month, starting on Monday, August 30, 2021. All meetings will be virtual until further notice and will be open to the public, with dedicated time for public comments. Meeting registration information, along with meeting agendas, presentations, and recordings, will also be posted. Please check this site regularly for Primary Care Sub-Group meeting updates. 

  • Next upcoming meeting: Friday, April 8, 2022, 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. MT
  • Primary Care Sub-Group meetings will be held on the Zoom platform; the April 8 meeting can be accessed at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86830800115

Primary Care Sub-Group Meeting Materials          Primary Care Sub-Group Meeting Calendar


 Maternity Care Sub-Group 

Maternity Care Sub-Group Meetings
The Maternity Care Sub-Group will improve the value of maternal and infant health in Colorado by making consensus-based recommendations to the state on an APM for maternal and infant health. The Maternity Care Sub-Group will meet approximately every month, starting on Thursday, September 2, 2021. All meetings will be virtual until further notice and will be open to the public, with dedicated time for public comments. Meeting registration information, along with meeting agendas, presentations, and recordings, will also be posted. Please check this site regularly for Maternity Care Sub-Group meeting updates. 

  • Next upcoming meeting: Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. MT
  • Maternity Care Sub-Group meetings will be held on the Zoom platform; the January 6 meeting can be accessed at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88264375232

Maternity Care Sub-Group Meeting Materials          Maternity Care Sub-Group Meeting Calendar


For information about the Colorado APM Alignment Initiative, and/or the Advisory Group or Sub-Groups for Primary Care and Maternity Care, please contact Tara Smith, Primary Care and Affordability Director, at tara.smith@state.co.us; cell: 720-701-0081.