Colorado Prescription Drug Affordability Review Board & Advisory Council
Colorado’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB), established under Senate Bill 21-175 and updated under House Bill 23-1225, is a Type-1 Board within the Division of Insurance that has the authority to review prescription drug costs and evaluate their impact on Coloradans through affordability reviews of prescription drugs. The Board may then recommend ways to address those costs and may set an upper payment limit for certain prescription drugs.
Rulemaking Materials
- Affordability Review Rulemaking
- Stakeholder Engagement Guide
- Written Testimony
- Verbal Testimony Sign Up
The next office hour will be held on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 from 12-1 pm MT.
PDAB Meetings & Materials
The next PDAB Meeting will be held on Friday, January 17, 2025 from 10 am - 2 pm MT.
PDAAC Meetings & Materials
The next PDAAC meeting is TBD.
The PDAAC is currently recruiting new council members to represent the following stakeholders: Labor unions and Carriers.
If you are interested in serving a 3-year term on the PDAAC, please fill out the application below.
Meeting Links & Recordings
Links to upcoming meetings and PDAB and PDAAC meeting recordings can be found below.
2025 PDAB/PDAAC Meeting Links & Recordings
Contact Us
PDAB Listserv: To receive PDAB and PDAAC updates directly in your inbox, click here. To subscribe, you will need to enter your email and then choose Updates From Divisions > Division of Insurance > Division of Insurance Prescription Drug Affordability Board.
How to Provide Public Comment at PDAB Meetings
- Verbal Public Comment: To provide verbal comments, please fill out the sign up sheet that will be provided at the beginning of each meeting. Public comments will be limited to 2 minutes per person.
- Written Public Comment: To provide written comments about general PDAB business or agenda items, please email Written comments will be accepted up to 48 hours before each meeting. Comments submitted after the 48-hour deadline will be considered for the following meeting.
- PDAB Members
- Dr. Sami Diab, MD of Greenwood Village, Colorado
- Dr. Amy Gutierrez, PharmD of Aurora, Colorado
- Catherine Harshbarger, RN, MHA of Holyoke, Colorado
- Board Chair, Dr. Gail Mizner, MD, FACP, AAHIVS of Snowmass Village, Colorado
- Dr. James Justin VandenBerg, PharmD, BCPS of Denver, Colorado
- PDAAC Members
- Kim Bimestefer, Executive Director of HCPF
- Gail DeVore, representing health care consumers
- Sarita Parikh, representing health care consumers
- Bob Mulch, representing statewide health care advocacy organizations
- PDAAC Chair, Dr. Kimberley Jackson, representing health care consumers living with chronic conditions
- Open position representing labor unions
- PDAAC Vice Chair, Nathan Wilkes, representing employers
- Open position representing carriers
- Marc Reese, representing PBMs
- Dr. Richard Miranda, representing health care professionals with prescribing authority
- Dr. Brett McQueen, representing research organizations
- Katelin Lucariello, representing brand name manufacturers
- Fayez Aziz, representing generic manufacturers
- Ingrid Pan, representing pharmacists
- Leah Lindahl, representing wholesalers
- Conflicts of Interest