The Colorado Cannabis Business Insurance Forum will be a series of 4 virtual seminars for the insurance industry designed to generate discussions, thoughts and ideas on of how the cannabis industry can meet its insurance needs here in Colorado. The Forum, designed for the insurance industry, will be hosted by the Colorado Division of Insurance.
The goal is to develop a mutual understanding of the needs of both the cannabis and insurance industries, identify any barriers to a robust market for cannabis business insurance, and find ways to overcome those barriers.
Register for the April 19 Session
Topic: How is the Cannabis Industry Regulated in Colorado? (Session 1)
Date: April 19, 2021
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. MDT
Program Outline for Session 1
Overview of regulatory structure
- Who is licensed and how?
- Interaction with underwriting and risk management needs of insurance companies
- Compare cannabis regulation to other products
- Compare Colorado regulation with other states' regulatory structures
This will be Session 1 in a series of 4. Future sessions will take place in May and June.
- May 3 - A discussion of the data available from the Colorado entities regulating the cannabis industry .
- May 17 - The interstate issues of business insurance for cannabis industries with discussion of federal legislation, availability of surplus lines coverage, the insurance products that have been filed in Colorado, and risk management opportunities and concerns
- June 7 - We'll want to hear from the insurance industry about barriers, challenges, how to take advantage of the opportunities presented, and how we can identify and work on removing any state-level barriers so when the federal issues are resolved, Colorado is ready.
Topics and Registration Info for Future Sessions
Mark your calendar for Session 1, April 19, 2021, from 1:00 - 2:30.
Please contact Peg Brown, Deputy Commissioner of the Division of Insurance, with questions about the Forum.