Notice of Adoption - Amended Regulations 4-2-53 Network Adequacy Standards and Reporting Requirements for ACA-Compliant Health Benefit Plans and 4-2-54 Network Access Plan Standards and Reporting Requirements for ACA-Compliant Health Benefit Plans

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The Division would like to provide notice that the Commissioner has adopted the following amended regulations:

The purpose of this regulation is to provide carriers offering Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant health benefit plans with standards and guidance on Colorado filing requirements for health benefit plan network adequacy filings, and requirements for Colorado Option Standardized Plan as specified in Colorado Insurance Regulation 4-2-80, including the applicable requirements found in Section 10-16-104(5.5), C.R.S. These standards shall serve as the measurable requirements used by the Division to evaluate the adequacy of carrier networks.

The purpose of this regulation is to provide carriers offering ACA-compliant health benefit plans with standards and guidance on Colorado filing requirements for health benefit plan network access plan filings and requirements for Colorado Option Standardized Plans as specified in Colorado Insurance Regulation 4-2-80. These standards shall serve as the measurable requirements used by the Division to evaluate the adequacy of carrier network access plan filings.

These regulations will become effective on June 30, 2023.

Regulations that have been adopted, but are not yet effective can be found on the Division's Regulations Adopted But Not Yet Effective website.

Division bulletins and regulations can be found via the Division's Insurance Statutes, Regulations & Bulletins website. 

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