Notice of Adoption - Bulletin B-4.121 Concerning the Medical Inflation Trend Calculation for the Premium Rate Reduction Requirements on the Colorado Option Standardized Health Benefit Plans

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The Division would like to provide notice that the Commissioner has adopted the following new bulletin:

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide carriers with additional guidance to comply with the premium rate requirements of the Colorado Option Standardized Plans pursuant to Colorado Insurance Emergency Regulation 22-E-05. This bulletin was previously released as a draft for external comment on March 21, 2022, with the title "Concerning the Premium Rate Reduction Requirements on the Colorado Option Standardized Health Benefit Plans"; the title has been amended to clarify this bulletin contains guidance related to the medical inflation trend calculation. 

This bulletin was adopted on March 31, 2022. 

This bulletin, and other Division bulletins, can be found on the Division's Colorado Insurance Bulletins website. 

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