Prescription Drug Affordability Updates: Meeting Dates, Proposed Rule, Council Members Announced, New PDAB Mailing List

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Prescription Drug Affordability Board Meeting Dates:

Ad Hoc PDAB Committee Meeting on Conflict of Interest: Friday, Jan. 21 from 3-4 pm

The Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) is holding a public, virtual ad hoc committee meeting to discuss the Board’s adopted Conflict of Interest Policy on Friday, Jan. 21 from 3-4 pm. As a reminder, Board members will not vote on any business during this meeting. Rather, select Board members will discuss potential recommendations to bring to the entire Board. There will be time for public comment.

Register to attend this meeting using the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 

Register for Ad Hoc Meeting

PDAB Meeting and Rulemaking Hearing: Wednesday, Feb. 2 from 10 am - 1 pm

PDAB is holding a public, virtual meeting to discuss a presentation from Harvard Medical School and Brigham & Women’s Hospital’s Program on Regulation, Therapeutics and Law (PORTAL), as well as a rulemaking hearing for a proposed definitions and appeals rule (more information in the section below) on Wednesday, Feb. 2 from 10am -1 pm. An updated agenda will be posted to the PDAB website one week before the meeting. PDAB meetings will typically be held on a Friday at six week intervals, but this meeting was moved to accommodate Board member schedule constraints. Register to attend this meeting using the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. 

Register to attend this meeting using the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Register for Meeting/Rulemaking Hearing

Proposed Rule

During the PDAB meeting on Feb. 2, the Board will hold a hearing and potential adoption of a proposed regulation relating to definitions and Prescription Drug Affordability Board appeals. Oral comments will be taken from participants who are present via webinar. If you cannot make the meeting virtually or wish to make written comments rather than speaking, you may email your written comments to by Tuesday, Feb. 1, at 5 pm for review and consideration. Stakeholders may also indicate they are interested in providing oral comments when they register for the meeting using the “Register for Meeting/Rulemaking Hearing” link above. If stakeholders would like to discuss the proposed rule with Division of Insurance staff before providing written or oral comments, please email by Tuesday, Jan. 26.

Prescription Drug Affordability Advisory Council Members Appointed

On Dec. 17, PDAB appointed members to the Prescription Drug Affordability Advisory Council (PDAAC or Advisory Council). There were many qualified candidates for the Advisory Council, and Board members and Division staff acknowledged the depth of expertise of all candidates and expressed appreciation for the many applicants. 

The 15 members appointed to the the Advisory Council, and the position they represent, are: 

  • Kim Bimestefer: Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF)
  • Sabrina Walker: Representing consumers
  • Gail deVore: Representing consumers
  • Edward Dauer: Representing statewide health care advocacy organizations
  • Kimberly Jackson: Representing consumers living with chronic conditions
  • Maria Fenwick: Representing labor unions
  • Nathan Wilkes: Representing employers
  • Chad Friday: Representing carriers
  • Marc Reece: Representing pharmacy benefit managers
  • Thomas Tobin: Representing prescribers
  • Brett McQueen: Representing an organization that researches prescription drugs
  • Katelin Lucariello: Representing manufacturers of brand name drugs
  • Neal Miller: Representing manufacturers of generic drugs
  • Andrew Gonzales: Representing pharmacists
  • Jason Atlas: Representing wholesalers

Division of Insurance staff are currently working with Advisory Council members to identify the first meeting date of the Advisory Council and anticipate the first PDAAC meeting will occur sometime mid-February.

New PDAB Mailing List

Moving forward, PDAB updates will be sent to individuals on this PDAB-specific mailing list. This list was used to send this message. Others can sign up for this list using the "Subscriber Preferences Page" link below, and looking for the PDAB list under the Division of Insurance.

Find more information about the Prescription Drug Affordability Program at the Colorado Prescription Drug Affordability Review Board & Advisory Council website.  Any questions or comments may be directed to

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