Request for Comment on DRAFT New Bulletin B-4.1XX - Long-Term Care Filing Requirements for Complete Submissions at Least Every 5 Years

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The Division is seeking informal comments on the following draft new bulletin:

New Bulletin B-4.1XX - Guidance on the Long-Term Care Rate Filing Requirements for Complete Submissions at Least Every 5 Years

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide carriers with guidance on requirements for
long-term care insurance rate filings to comply with Section 5.B.3.a.7. of Colorado Insurance Regulation 4-2-11. This guidance provides the elements required for a complete rate filing submission.

This bulletin is intended for all carriers that have long-term care insurance blocks of business in the state of Colorado, with the following exception: a) Carriers are not required to meet the requirements in Section 5.B.3.a.7. of Colorado Insurance Regulation 4-2-11 for closed non-cancellable long term care insurance blocks of business.

The Division is requesting informal comments be submitted to no later than 5 PM, December 9, 2020.

This draft bulletin, as well as other draft bulletins currently released for informal public comment, can be found on our page for Draft Regulations and Bulletins for Informal Comments

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