The Division is seeking comments on the following draft proposed amended regulations:
The purpose of this regulation is to provide filing requirements and standards that are applicable to companies making application for regional home office qualification.
The regulation is being amended to add the additional requirements added to the statute [§10-3-209(1)(b)(III)] from HB21-1312.
The purpose of this regulation is to establish procedures for the submission of reasonable modifications to grandfathered individual and small group health benefit plans, to non-grandfathered individual and small group health benefit plans, as outlined in § 10-16-105.1(5), C.R.S., and to pediatric stand-alone dental plans.
The regulation is being amended to clarify and update the Reasonable Modification process. Policyholder Notifications are being moved to a separate bulletin.
The Division is requesting informal comments be submitted to no later than 5 PM, November 29, 2021.
This draft regulation, as well as other draft regulations currently released for informal public comment, can be found on our page for Draft Regulations and Bulletins for Informal Comments.