Request for Comment on DRAFT Proposed Amended Regulations 4-2-82 Concerning Carrier Notices to Policyholders for Reasonable Modifications and 4-2-27 Procedures for Reasonable Modifications to Individual and Small Group Health Benefit Plans

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The Division is seeking comments on the following draft proposed amended regulations:

The purpose of this regulation is to provide carriers with the policyholder notice templates for plans that are being modified through the reasonable modifications process in accordance with Colorado Insurance Regulation 4-2-27, being discontinued in accordance with Colorado Insurance Regulation 4-2-51, or being continued without modification. The regulation provides notice templates for carrier’s exit from the health insurance market, and modifications to current prescription drug formularies during the current plan year in accordance with Colorado Insurance Regulation 4-2-93.

This regulation is being amended to add a new letter for plans not modifying benefits. It is also being amended to update the use of the Benefits Change table as an Appendix to the Policyholder letter, rather than being embedded within the letter, for clarity.

The purpose of this regulation is to establish procedures for the submission of reasonable modifications to grandfathered, individual and small group health benefit plans, to non-grandfathered individual and small group health benefit plans, as outlined in § 10-16-105.1(5), C.R.S.

This regulation is being amended to add a definition of “renewed.” This proposed amended regulation is also updating the requirements to submit a filing when state/federal changes occur and/or no other benefit changes are made through Reasonable Modification process.

Please submit your comments on these draft proposed amended regulations no later than 5 PM, January 17, 2025 to

These draft proposed amended regulations, as well as other draft regulations and bulletins currently released for informal public comment, can be found on the Division's DRAFT Regulations and Bulletins for Informal Public Comment website.

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