The Division is seeking comments on the following draft proposed emergency regulation:
The Division of Insurance finds, pursuant to § 24-4-103(6)(a), C.R.S., that immediate adoption of this regulation is imperatively necessary for the preservation of public health, safety, or welfare to ensure an enhanced Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) Actuarial Value (AV) silver plan for enrollees with incomes between 150-200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is implemented expeditiously to ensure affordable health coverage options for Colorado consumers.
The purpose of this regulation is to provide guidance to all carriers regulated by the Colorado Division of Insurance regarding the implementation of a state CSR enhancement.
The Division is requesting informal comments be submitted to no later than 5 PM, April 22, 2021.
This draft revised emergency regulation, as well as other draft bulletins and regulations currently released for informal public comment, can be found on our page for Draft Regulations and Bulletins for Informal Comments.