The Division is seeking comments on the following DRAFT proposed new and amended bulletins:
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide information to carriers regarding the timelines for physician credentialing under ยง 10-16-705.7, C.R.S.
The purpose of this Bulletin is to provide guidance for how the Commissioner of Insurance will establish a hospital and health-care provider reimbursement rate that may be applied by the Commissioner as part of a public hearing for the Colorado Option premium rate reduction requirements on Standardized health benefits plans.
This bulletin is being amended to clarify how the hospital reimbursement floor will be established for hospitals with an aggregate negotiated rate that is at least ten percent less than the Statewide Hospital Median Reimbursement rate.
The Division is requesting comments be submitted no later than 5 PM, February 12, 2024, to
These draft proposed bulletins, as well as other draft bulletins currently released for informal public comment, can be found on the Division's DRAFT Regulations and Bulletins for Informal Public Comment website.
Other Division bulletins currently in effect can be found on the Division's Colorado Insurance Bulletins website.