Request for Comment on DRAFT Proposed Revised Bulletin B-4.79 and DRAFT Proposed New Bulletin B-4.119

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The Division is seeking informal comments on the following DRAFT proposed bulletins:

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide the template for the notice to be sent by carriers to provide individual health benefit plan policyholders with information regarding the renewal status of their current plan for the next plan year and the current plan’s estimated premium for the next plan year, when applicable. This bulletin is being amended to remove notice requirements for on-Exchange plans. 

This bulletin provides guidance encouraging carriers to cover the diagnosis and treatment of severe adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine, and to assist enrollees in seeking compensation under the national Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

The Division is requesting informal comments be submitted to no later than 5 PM, October 15, 2021.

This draft bulletin, as well as other draft bulletins currently released for informal public comment, can be found on our page for Draft Regulations and Bulletins for Informal Comments

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