The Colorado Division of Insurance continues to develop policies, information and resources for insurance consumers and the insurance industry in response to COVID-19.
2021 Actions
- Emergency Regulation 21-E-15 Concerning Suspension of Utilization Review Requirements for Transfers or Discharges from Hospitals Experiencing COVID-19-Related Clinical Staffing Shortages - effective 11/5/21
- Emergency Regulation 21-E-14 Coverage and Reimbursement of Facility Transfers during the COVID-19 Recovery - effective 10/7/21
- Emergency Regulation 21-E-13 Concerning Coverage and Reimbursement for COVID-19 Vaccines During the COVID-19 Recovery - effective 9/21/21
- Emergency Regulation 21-E-12- Concerning the Establishment of a SEP due to the Cessation of Employer Contributions or Government Subsidies for COBRA or State Continuation Coverage - effective 9/21/21
- Emergency Regulation 21-E-11 Concerning Coverage and Reimbursement for COVID-19 Vaccines During the COVID-19 Recovery - effective 7/22/21
- Emergency Regulation 21-E-09 Concerning Consumer Notification Requirements for Carriers Regarding Premium Tax Credit Eligibility under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 - effective 5/10/21
- Emergency Regulation 21-E-07 Concerning Establishing a Special Enrollment Period for Enrollment in an Individual Health Benefit Plan - effective 4/14/21
2020 Actions
- Governor Polis' Executive Order D 2020 020 - Ordering the Temporary Suspension of Certain Statutes to Expand the Use of Telehealth Services due to the Presence of COVID-19-Like Symptoms - issued April 1, 2020
- April 2, 2020 - COVID-19 Special Enrollment Period for Health Insurance Extended to April 30
- March 27, 2020 - DOI issues directives on auto insurance and restaurant workers, protecting employers’ health insurance and property and casualty insurance
- March 19, 2020 - Consumer Advisory: Colorado Division of Insurance Establishes COVID-19-Related Special Enrollment Period
- March 9, 2020 - Consumer Advisory: Division of Insurance Directs Insurers on COVID-19 Coverage
2021 Actions
2020 Actions
- April 13, 2020 - Consumer Information Regarding Title Insurance During COVID-19 Emergency
- April 3, 2020 - FAQs on Business Interruption Insurance from the Division of Insurance
- March 29, 2020 - FEMA Extends Grace Period for Flood Insurance Renewal Premiums - See more at
- March 27, 2020 - DOI issues directives on auto insurance and restaurant workers, protecting employers’ health insurance and property and casualty insurance
Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Division is altering how it handles certain processes and activities. The following outlines those specific process changes and the anticipated duration of those changes.
- Bulletin B-1.35 - Updated 8-31-2020
- As there are few DOI staff available in the building as most are working remotely, there is limited availability to accept service of process of legal documents. The Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) has issued Bulletin B-1.35 to offer guidance for Notice of Availability of Alternative Service of Process that includes electronic waivers to serve documents electronically.
- The purpose of this bulletin is to provide a temporary operating procedure for accepting alternate Service of Process (SOP) during the COVID-19 emergency while the Division of Insurance is operating remotely as its offices are physically closed. At the present time, the Division is unable to receive hard copy submissions of service of process as it's offices are closed. See the Bulletin (B-1.35) for full details.
- Sections 10-3-107, 10-3-905, and 10-3-1003, C.R.S
- Duration: While the Division of Insurance is operating remotely as its offices are physically closed.
- The Division will continue to process requests for auto liability limits received electronically (preferred). Due to the Executive Orders related to the COVID-19 emergency, if hard copy requests are received, their processing will be delayed.
- § 10-3-1117, C.R.S., Regulation 5-2-3, and Bulletins B-1.33 and B-1.34
- Duration: While the Division of Insurance is operating remotely and/or its offices are physically closed.
- Emergency Regulation 20-E-04
- Emergency Regulation 20-E-04 contemplated that the Division would provide all current insurance producers, insurance agencies, cash-bonding agents, and professional cash-bail agents affected by the temporary continuation sixty (60) days notice to come into compliance prior to the expiration of the emergency license continuation. Accordingly, the Division is providing notice of the following requirements to all insurance producers, insurance agencies, cash-bonding agents, and professional cash-bail agents affected by the temporary continuation.
- Licenses with Expiration Dates between March 31, 2020 and December 31, 2020
- All insurance producers, insurance agencies, cash-bonding agents, and professional cash-bail agents who were granted, benefitted from, or affected by temporary continuation of license renewal deadlines, associated procedures, including continuing education requirements and licensing fees, must come into compliance with all applicable Colorado insurance laws, including, but not limited to, C.R.S. § 10-2-101, et seq., C.R.S. § 10-23-102, et seq., and Division Regulations 1-2-10, 1-2-4, 7-1-1, 7-1-2, by December 31, 2020.
- Please email Pearson VUE's Colorado office at with any questions.
Additional Resources
- COVID-19 Updates for Licensees & Consumers from DORA
- State of Colorado COVID-19 Information
- - This site connects Coloradans with services, funds and jobs during the COVID-19 crisis.
- Life Insurance Policy Locator Tool - Matches beneficiaries with lost or misplaced life insurance policies or annuities.
- Identifying and Avoiding COVID-19 Scams (information from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners)
- NAIC Coronavirus Resource Center (includes links to WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA, CMS, and other resources)
- Worldometer COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak