Viatical Settlement Producers

Viatical Settlement Producers

We would appreciate you taking a moment to review regulation 2-1-11 thoroughly to determine if the producer is qualified prior to submitting the Viatical Settlement affidavit. Upon verification please submit the completed Viatical Settlement Affidavit and a fee of $30.00 to the Colorado Division of Insurance, 1560 Broadway, Suite 850, Denver, CO 80202 with checks made payable to the Colorado Division of Insurance.

Please be advised that producers must meet the qualifications established or registration will be denied and fees will be forfeited.

The list of approved registered Viatical Settlement producers is available by emailing.  LicensingAndCE@dora.state.co.us.

For the guidelines governing Viatical Settlements see Regulation.  2-1-11 VIATICAL SETTLEMENTS [pdf file]

Viatical Settlement Producer Affidavit