Workers' Compensation Insurance










About Workers Compensation

Workers' compensation coverage provides employers and employees with medical care, death benefits, and lost wages for work-related injuries. In general, Colorado law requires that all employers carry workers' compensation insurance. However, certain exceptions to this requirement may include: a sole proprietor or any general working partner; a corporate officer; or a member of a limited liability company.

Tips for purchasing workers' compensation insurance:

shopping around and talking to several licensed agents and companies; reading policies and disclosures; identifying the various services an insurance company provides; considering a deductible; and maintaining a good loss history through a safe work environment.


Workers' Compensation Classification Appeals Board

The workers' compensation classification appeals board hears grievances brought by employers against insurers and Pinnacol Assurance concerning the calculation of experience modification factors and classification assignment decisions

Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation (CDWC) - Duties and Responsibilities

Have questions about a workers' compensation claim? Are you an employer looking for workers' compensation insurance? Visit the Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation website

Part of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employement and is responsible for administering and enforcing workers' compensation law in Colorado. Establishes rules, procedures and programs to enforce the law and to resolve disputes that may arise between the employer and the injured worker. Handles claims and claims-related issues Determines that employers have workers' compensation insurance. Oversees employers that self-fund their workers' compensation insurance. 

Colorado Division of Insurance - Limited Role in Workers' Compensation 

The Colorado Division of Insurance DOES NOT have jurisdiction over individual Workers' Compensation Claims. The Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation (CDWC), part of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, is the state agency responsible for administering and enforcing workers' compensation law in Colorado. The Division of Insurance is responsible for monitoring the financial condition of the insurance industry, overseeing the Classification Appeals Board which handles classification and experience modification disputes, approving the annual NCCI loss cost filing, reviewing rate and form filings submitted by individual insurers, and handling complaints regarding rate or premium-related issues.

Division of Insurance Bulletin B-5.2: Guidelines to Provide Information to Policyholders on Workers' Compensation Classifications