Notice of Adoption of Emergency Regulation 21-E-15 - Concerning Suspension of Utilization Review Requirements for Transfers or Discharges from Hospitals Experiencing COVID-19-Related Clinical Staffing Shortages

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The Division would like to notify interested stakeholders that the Commissioner of Insurance has adopted the following emergency regulation:

The purpose of this regulation is to increase the number of available providers in hospitals that are experiencing clinical staffing shortages due to COVID-19 and other emergency hospitalizations and an associated decrease in intensive care unit capacity. It will increase the availability of providers for patient care by temporarily suspending utilization review requirements and streamlining the approval process for transfers and discharges from hospitals.

The Division of Insurance finds, pursuant to § 24-4-103(6)(a), C.R.S., and in accordance with Executive Order D 2021 136, that immediate adoption of this regulation is imperatively necessary for the preservation of public health, safety, or welfare as ensuring hospitals have adequate resources and availability to treat patients is imperative to preserve the health of the citizens of Colorado. Therefore, compliance with the requirements of § 24-4-103, C.R.S., would be contrary to the public interest.

This emergency regulation, and other Division emergency regulations, can be found on the Division's Emergency Regulations page.

Find additional information on insurance and the COVID-19 public health emergency on the COVID-19 & Insurance page. This emergency regulation can be found under the health insurance tab. 

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