On November 30, the Division of Insurance submitted a Section 1332 Innovation Waiver Request for the Colorado Option. On January 3, 2022 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services informed the Division of its preliminary determination that the Division’s 1332 State Innovation Waiver Request application for the Colorado Option is considered complete. This marks the beginning of a 180-day full review of the application, and the 30-day Federal public notice and comment period (comment period will end on February 2, 2022).
The Division encourages stakeholders to provide comments to the federal government during this comment period. Stakeholders may submit comments to CMS through stateinnovationwaivers@cms.hhs.gov from January 3, 2022 through February 2, 2022. Please include Colorado section 1332 waiver comments in the subject heading, and include your name, organization (if any), and email address with the comments.
If the waiver is approved and the health insurers satisfy the requirements of the legislation, the Colorado Option will provide over $135M annually, and more than half a billion dollars over the life of the waiver, in federal funding to expand access to affordable, quality health insurance. This includes new support for Coloradans that have been left out of the financial help provided under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and expands subsidies for some consumers enrolled through Connect for Health Colorado.
Again, please submit your comments on Colorado's Section 1332 Innovation Waiver Request for the Colorado Option to CMS at stateinnovationwaivers@cms.hhs.gov no later than February 2, 2022.
Find more information about CMS 1332 Waivers on CMS' Section 1332: State Innovation Waivers website.
Find more information about the Colorado Option at the Division's Colorado Option website.
Please send any questions about the 1332 Waiver Request, the public meetings or the Colorado Option to Kyla Hoskins, Colorado Option Director - kyla.hoskins@state.co.us.