Friday Health Plans of Colorado Information

What's happening with Friday Health?


On July 17, 2023, the Colorado Division of Insurance, DOI, announced that it was terminating the health plans from Friday Health of Colorado as of August 31, 2023. This action triggers a Special Enrollment Period (SEP), that allows Friday members to enroll in new coverage for the remainder of 2023. Friday members who want a new health insurance plan that starts on September 1, must enroll in a new plans by August 31. Individuals who enroll after August 31, will have their coverage start on the first of the month after enrolling in a new plan.

For more information please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below for consumers and health care providers.

Choosing a New Plan During the Special Enrollment Period (SEP)


  • Friday Health plans in Colorado will end on August 31, 2023. The Special Enrollment Period (SEP) in Colorado for Friday Health  runs through October 31, 2023, but if people want a new plan to be in place by September 1, they must enroll by August 31. 
  • Individuals who enroll after August 31, will have their coverage start on the first of the month after enrolling in a new plan. For example, someone enrolling on October 8, will have coverage starting on November 1, 2023.
  • People enrolled in a plan from Friday Health through Connect for Health Colorado or through Colorado Connect, including the OmniSalud program, can select new health insurance through those enrollment platforms. It is critical to act as soon as possible to avoid becoming uninsured for the rest of the year.
  • People enrolled through Connect for Health Colorado, can get free, virtual and in-person help - see their We Can Help page for more information. Members who used a certified insurance broker in the past, can again get help from those brokers. People can also use Connect’s Quick Cost and Plan Finder tool to shop for plans. 
  • People enrolled in a Friday Health Plan through Colorado Connect, including the OmniSalud program, should contact the Assister or Broker who helped them apply and enroll last year, to get help submitting a new application and finding a new plan. 
  • Small businesses enrolled in small group plans from Friday should contact their insurance brokers about how to choose a new plan for their employees. 
  • In order to help Friday members during this transition, the DOI requested that other insurance companies in Colorado honor the deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums that Friday Health members have already accumulated for 2023. 
    • Kaiser and Denver Health have agreed to honor people’s deductible and out-of-pocket maximum accumulations. Denver Health's decision is new as of August 3.
    • Anthem, Cigna and Rocky Mountain Health Plans WILL NOT honor Friday members’ deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums so far for 2023. People enrolling in these plans will have to start over with these cost accumulators as of September 1. 
    • Because the Division is committed to doing everything possible to help Friday members as they transition to new plans, we will work to allow Friday members to recover, from the remaining Friday assets, any deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums or other cost shares members will pay only because they moved to a new plan.
    • (updated 9/1/23) Former Friday Health members who want to recover deductible / out-of-pocket maximum amounts paid under their new health insurer (other than Kaiser and Denver Health), should visit the website for Friday Health Plans of Colorado in Receivership to learn about the process for filing a proof of claim. 
    • In particular, former Friday Health members will want to review the “Frequently Asked Questions for Policyholders” for specific details. It’s important to note that recoveries will typically only be for deductible / out-of-pocket maximum amounts paid to your new health insurer ABOVE what you would have paid had your Friday plan continued through the end of the year. 

Please view the FAQs below for more detailed information.