The Division is seeking informal comments on the following draft new bulletin:
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide guidance to carriers offering health benefit plans and consumers regarding coverage for occupational therapy services. HB20-1230 extended the Occupational Therapy Practice Act’s repeal date to 2030. While there has been some confusion about the applicability and effective date of HB20-1230, the legislation took effect as of September 14, 2020, and is current Colorado law.
This bulletin is intended to provide guidance to all insurers marketing and issuing health benefit plans, including student health plans, in the State of Colorado.
The Division is requesting informal comments be submitted no later than 5 PM, December 18, 2020, to
This draft new bulletin, as well as other new bulletins currently released for informal public comment, can be found on our page for Draft Regulations and Bulletins for Informal Comments.